GCF Admin

Portrait of Terry Doyle

A Tribute to a Dear Friend

Terry Doyle Scholarship Fund (scholarship fund supporting dramatic arts) Over 600 theatre patrons, sponsors, Rotarians, friends and family members gathered at the St. Jacobs Country Playhouse on January 28, 2006 to pay tribute to the late Terry Doyle with a spirited celebration

A Tribute to a Dear Friend Continue...

Kids to Camp Grant Image, camp councilor sitting on the grass with a camper

It’s All About the Kids!

(2005 Guelph Mercury Kids-to-Camp Fund): This past Thanksgiving, the Guelph Mercury successfully revived the historic Thanksgiving Day Races. Over 300 runners and walkers participated and over 1000 people took in the festivities of the Family Fun Day on a perfect fall day. At

It’s All About the Kids! Continue...

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