Notice to Donors The Closure of Portage Ontario Carousal image

Portage Ontario’s Closure

A Notice To Our Donors

At the end of January it was unfortunately announced that the Portage Program for Drug Dependencies Inc. (Portage Ontario) closed its doors and is no longer in operation. We are saddened by this news and acknowledging the incredible work Portage has accomplished over the years and the importance this work had to the GCF donors who have supported them in the past.

Portage Ontario was established in 1985 as a non-profit organisation which operates a residential drug addiction rehabilitation centre for youth in Elora, Ontario. The Portage Elora treatment centre served Ontario youth referred by parents, schools, family physicians, hospitals, other addiction-treatment and youth-serving agencies, as well as Youth Justice and the Children’s Aid Society.

GCF has a history of supporting Portage Ontario from 2012 onwards which has included donations from the following GCF Funds: Corinne Beingessner Fund, Cynthia Macleod Flow Through Fund, McKeough Taylor Fund, and others. You may recall that Portage Ontario was featured as one of our grant stories in our 2021 annual report:

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