Supported by a Community Grant, Lake Hope House’s Bringing Better Meals to the Community meal delivery program was an incredible success in 2021. This program was an extension of their meal and food skill-based programming where a Community Chef was hired who delivered food skills classes and created meals to support food insecure within the BIPOC community in Guelph. In total, 2135 culturally diverse meals (main, dessert, and drink) were delivered between October 2021 and March 2022 under this pilot program.
Hope House operates and advocates on the belief that poverty, food insecurity, inequality, health and community are all interconnected. They offer services and programs that challenge the stigmas surrounding poverty and allow their clients to maintain their dignity and choice, while simultaneously providing them with tactile skills developed in a community environment; it is not about a hand-out but rather offering people a hand-up, creating long-term skills that facilitate self-sufficiency.